Ric Palombi, CFA
Senior Portfolio Manager, International Equities and Alternative Income

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Ric Palombi
Calgary, Alberta
“I’m right where I want to be.”
Having been in the markets for more than 20 years, I’ve navigated numerous business cycles, several financial crises and a global pandemic. In my experience, the key to survival – and ultimately success – is resilience. Resilience is the grit that allows us to bounce back stronger, wiser and more robust from any setback.
I’ve learned to be stoic when it comes to making portfolio decisions. To focus on what’s in our control and accept what isn’t. This helps me navigate uncertainty with clarity and purpose, to make better investment decisions for our clients. Our approach is built on fundamentals, avoiding knee jerk reactions, and digging beyond the headlines. With a cappuccino in hand, I start every workday knowing that my colleagues and I will stay vigilant amid lots of noise and volatility in the market. This practice resonates deeply with my personal investment philosophy.
Over my career, I’ve also learned that avoiding risk can lead to avoiding return as well. A rigorous and disciplined approach to assessing risk/reward is key to our long-term execution and strategies. The markets are in constant flux, and sometimes you need to discount the obvious and bet on the unexpected. Risk means something can happen, not necessarily that it will, so I look for ways to take advantage of the volatility.
I began my career as an investment advisor at RBC Dominion Securities and then moved on to become a portfolio manager at TD Asset Management, before joining the firm in 2005. I hold a degree from the University of Alberta and am a member of the Toronto and Calgary Societies of Financial Analysts.