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5 financial tips for back-to-school season

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This article was originally published on Financial Independence Hub on September 19, 2023, and features insights from Aaron Hector, Private Wealth Advisor.

Back-to-school season can raise tough conversations about financial responsibility. For many, it causes students and families to re-evaluate both short and long-term goals in the pursuit of a post-secondary education.

The good news is that creating a plan to manage school expenses doesn’t have to be difficult: it just requires students and families to look ahead and be realistic with budget, goals and expectations. In other words, this isn’t a process to “wing it.” Using a scenario in which you have a student enrolled or planning to enroll in a post-secondary program, here are five tips that will can help keep your finances on track this year.

Work smarter, not harder: Develop your school savings plan

It’s never too early to start saving for your child’s education. If you are a first-time education saver and starting to put money away, be sure to learn about opportunities that fit your needs and goals: whether that is saving smaller amounts over longer periods of time or leveraging options like a Tax-Free Savings Account (TFSA) or a Registered education savings plan (RESP).

For example, all new parents should start a RESP, which is a tax-sheltered investment vehicle that provides access to government grants which provide a 20% match on your contributions (up to certain limits). The first step is to speak to your advisor to learn about your options. The options are vast and more flexible than most people assume!

Leverage your resources: find out how your bank and school can help you save

To ease the burden of pricey tuition, it pays to do a bit of research on the programs, grants, or scholarships you or your child might be eligible for through your financial and post-secondary institution. The resources are out there, but it can be tough to know all that exists or how to apply for them. A good advisor can help with this part – in fact, you should be able to count on their help and resourcefulness for your entire financial journey.

Do your homework: Build a budget

Between school supplies, courses, commuting and school fees, a back-to-school shopping list can feel daunting, endless and expensive. Find savings by teaming up with your kids to identify which costs are needs versus luxuries, and then prioritize or cut as need be. Use what you’ve spent in previous years as a baseline to create a budget for the current year, adjusting for any new or increased costs you expect to come up. Because budgets can be quickly impacted for unexpected costs, consider a back-up fund. Tracking your spending, spreading out purchases, buying in bulk, reusing items and investing in supplies that are quality (not just trendy) will help you properly manage that budget for years to come.

It’s your (financial) responsibility: Manage your money with the proper mindset

For many, there are at least two life pivotal transitions that take place after graduating high school: entering the world of post-secondary education, and (more importantly) taking on a more mature financial mindset. This is a great time to encourage kids to open their own TFSA, or even a First Home Savings Account (FHSA). While the TFSA can be used for shorter term financial goals, the FHSA should really only be used for money that is being set aside for a housing purchase within the next 15 years. Encouraging your children to form good financial habits today will prove to be very powerful over the long term.

Knock. Knock: Don’t forget to check in

You’re already likely to keep tabs on your children throughout the year to make sure they are staying on top of their laundry and homework, but some parents might forget to check-in with their own financial advisor. Meeting regularly with your advisor helps to:

  • Manage budget changes in real-time as your family’s expenses and priorities shift
  • Keep your finances on track by reviewing whether you are staying on target you’re your financial goals

The cost to attend a post-secondary institution can be massive, and the price tag can become even harder to cover without the right plan. So start early. Save for the long-term. And lean on the advice and tools that only a good financial advisor can provide. You – and your future student – will be thankful for being proactive.

The preceding information is for educational purposes only. As it is impossible to include all situations, circumstances and exceptions in a newsletter such as this, a further review should be done by a qualified professional. No individual or organization involved in either the preparation or distribution of this letter accepts any contractual, tortious, or any other form of liability or its contents or for any consequences arising from its use.