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Montage of 3 photos featuring our founders

We've been expecting you!

We’ve changed the name on our door, but the same people, values, and services you’ve come to know and trust still live here.

If you’re used to seeing our legacy brands, you may wonder if you’ve landed in the right place. You have!

On Oct 25, 2022, CWB Wealth harmonized our five legacy private wealth brand identities, including CWB Wealth Management (originally founded as Adroit Investment Management), T.E. Wealth, Doherty & Bryant Financial Strategists, and Leon Frazer & Associates. Our Calgary-based IIROC boutique, CWB McLean & Partners, maintains a distinct identity under the new CWB Wealth brand as CWB Wealth Partners.

Each of these brands has its own proud history. Alongside CWB, they share a common heritage of excellence in client service, and we are committed to preserving and building on the legacies of our founders as we move forward together under a shared identity.

As a symbol of this commitment, we reached out to the founders and builders of our legacy private wealth firms and asked them to share their founding visions. The short film we created from this experience is a tribute to our founders. It documents the spirit of purposeful entrepreneurship which continues to stand at the heart of our firm, and will continue to guide us in all that we do.

The same things that have defined our past will define our future. Professionalism, expertise and deep personal relationships based on meaningful bonds of trust. We are grateful for the relationship we have with you and your family. Our first loyalty is to your well-being, and we will continue to put your success above all else.

If you have any questions, we encourage you to connect with us.